Tuesday 5 July 2011

Poetry - 29th July - Speakers Announced

The speakers for the next Cardiff sciSCREEN – Poetry, Friday July 29th at 5.45pm, sponsored by Cesagen – have been confirmed. Speaking at the post-film discussion will be:

Professor Julie Williams (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University) will talk about what the scientific community is doing to try to prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease in future generations.

Dr Andrew Edgar (Centre for Applied Ethics, Cardiff University) will explore the role that art has in allowing us to acknowledge and engage with the potential meaninglessness and tragedy of life, and to articulate our sense of loss when meaning and and beauty are absent.

Dr John Anderson (School of Biosciences, Cardiff University) will discuss the way in which people with Alzheimer’s can learn to do new things despite memory problems, and how this contrasts with the current government strategy for caring and treating individuals with dementia.

Clare Potter (Poet) will discuss the way in which poetry makes us remember, but also lets us experience as if for the first time.

In addition, Dr Martin O’Neill (Cesagen, Cardiff University) will distribute a short article on the subject of dignity and the care of older people.

Tickets for the film can be purchased from Chapter. The post-film discussion is free to attend.

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