Monday, 27 June 2011

Cesagen to Sponsor the Next Cardiff sciSCREEN

Cesagen (ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics) will be the sponsors of the next Cardiff sciSCREEN; a screening and discussion of Poetry (dir: Chang Dong-Lee). Cesagen is an interdisciplinary research centre based at the universities of Cardiff and Lancaster.

At the sciSCREEN we will have four speaker who will address topics such as:
  • The genetics behind Alzheimer’s Disease and recent developments in the field.
  • How poetry makes us remember, but also lets us experience as if for the first time.
  • The role that art plays in allowing us to acknowledge and engage with the potential meaninglessness and tragedy of life.
  • The ways in which people with Alzheimer’s can learn to do new things despite memory problems, and how this contrasts with the current government strategy for caring and treating individuals with dementia.
Further detail of the speakers will be put up shortly.

1 comment:

  1. I just IMDBed this film and sure it was the film made by my favorite Korean director Chang-dong Lee. And I adore the lead actress!!! I don't think this film made a hit in Korea but I will watch it as soon as I get hold of a copy and write a piece.
    When is the screening btw?
