Thursday 13 October 2011

sciSCREEN is Back: 'We Need to Talk About Kevin'

We will be hosting another Cardiff sciSCREEN event on Thursday 3rd November from 6pm at Chapter Arts Centre.

'We Need to Talk About Kevin' is adapted from Lionel Shriver's 2003 novel of the same name by director Lynne Ramsey. Tilda Swinton stars as Eva, who recounts to the audience the events leading up to and following the massacre of students and teachers carried out by her son Kevin at his high school. The film premiered at Cannes Film Festival this year, receiving praise from critics and audiences alike and is due for cinematic release on October 21st. Touching on themes such as postnatal depression, childhood development, violence and the old nature-nurture debate, both the book and this adaptation should present interesting discussion points.

The screening of the film will be followed by a full Cardiff sciSCREEN event sponsored by the MRC centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. A panel of speakers spanning a number of disciplinary perspectives and expertise from Cardiff University will take part in a discussion of the themes raised during the film accompanied by a free wine reception.

Confirmed speakers for the event include:

Dr. Jules Holroyd - School of English, Communication and Philosophy;
Prof. Stephanie van Goozen - School of Psychology;
Dr. Elaine Green - MRC Centre, School of Medicine;
Prof. Robert Snowden - School of Psychology

Tickets for the film will be available from the Chapter Website shortly.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie... Can we put something up about Silent RUnning perhaps? Ta...
