Friday 26 October 2012

Beasts of the Southern Wild - Sunday 4th November

The next Cardiff sciSCREEN will be a screening and discussion of Beasts of the Southern Wild on Sunday 4th November at Chapter Arts Centre from 5.30pm. This event will be sponsored by the British Science Association.

The film will begin at 5:30pm, with the discussion starting at 7.15pm in MediaPoint. Please be aware that the sciSCREEN discussion is now a ticketed event. Tickets for the discussion are free and can be reserved by ringing the box office at Chapter on 02920 304400. Capacity for this event's discussion is limited to 40. As usual, tickets for the film can be bought from Chapter Arts Centre (see Chapter's website for cinema ticket prices).

The speakers for the discussion will be:
  • Dr. Caroline Lear (School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University) How wet would Chapter Arts Centre get if modern day ice sheets melted? Has this happened in the past? How can we tell how large ice sheets were millions of years ago?
  • Dr. Catherine Butler  (School of Psychology, Cardiff University) How have our approaches to management of flooding become unsettled in the context of climate change. Principally the idea of 'making space for water' and not protecting against floods has become prevalent but this raises issues around who is protected and who is not and related concerns regarding responsibility, vulnerability and inequality.
  • Dr. Joan Haran  (Cesagen, Cardiff University) ‘The future isn’t what it used to be’; posthuman or more-than-human imaginaries.
  • Dr. Jillian Baird  (Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning, Cardiff University) What was the ancient auroch?  Why did these formidable animals die out?  Could they really be unleashed as the polar ice caps melt, or even resurrected using Jurassic Park technology?

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