Thursday 20 January 2011

Stammering: Lost for Words

The Guardian recently published a piece by Keith Austin, in which The King's Speech is described by the British Stammering Association as a “once-in-a-generation moment to create change and to increase awareness”.

Read the whole article here.

The screening of The King's Speech on Tuesday 25th January is now sold out. However, if you have been unable to get tickets, please do attend the discussion, in First Space, Chapter, starting straight after the film at approximately 8pm.

The speakers at the discussion will be: Dr William Housley (School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University), Dr Gary Love (School of History, Archeaology and Religion, Cardiff University), Calum Delaney (Programme Leader and Head of Centre, Speech and Language Therapy, UWIC), and John Evans (British Stammering Association). The discussion will cover experiences of stammering, concepts of language and communication, speech pathology, political rhetoric and the mediated public sphere, and the impact of radio and newsreels on public life in the first half of the 20th century.

1 comment:

  1. Hi sciSCREEN team,
    enjoyed last nights discussion; thanks again for all your hard work organising it!

    I was particularly interested in Will Housley's comments on the "presentation of self" and how the human "voice" has become increasingly important. Conversely, I find that my children's generation rely heavily on electronic communication which often empowers them to communicate with others in a way that removes the anxiousness of face-to-face communication through speech. I wonder if that generation (and our own) are losing such skills of the "voice" and it will be interesting to see how future generations will cope and adapt.
